Germany’s main energy lobby, the federal water and energy industries federation (BDEW), has demanded a higher offshore wind target and the elimination of a cap on solar support in order to achieve the country’s ambitious 2030 renewables target.

To reach 65% of renewables in the power mix as the government plans, a continuation of current expansion paths would not suffice, the BDEW states, as that strategy would only achieve a share of 54%.

To reach the 65%, the installed renewables capacity in Europe’s largest economy would need to reach 215-237GW by 2030, up from 120GW installed at the end of last year.

“Currently existing area limits for various RE technologies impede a sufficient expansion,” BDEW managing director Stefan Kapferer said.

The BDEW said to reach a higher share of green power, Germany should raise its 2030 offshore wind target to at least 17GW from 15GW now planned.

The country would also need to scrap a 52GW cumulated capacity cap after which no more support will be paid for new solar installations, and end a 10MW-size-limit for ground-based PV plants.

Both a higher offshore wind target, and a scrapping of the solar support ceiling have long been demands by the renewable energy industry, but had not been adopted by the energy sector at large.

While more offshore wind would in part make up for not accelerating the onshore wind expansion, wind at land should by no means be subject to further area limitations through distance rules or height restrictions, the BDEW warned.

“That would massively endanger reaching the 65% target and above that impede achieving the CO2 reduction target for the energy sector.”