'Historic victory': court tells Shell to slash emissions on Big Oil's day of climate pain

Group to appeal verdict in Dutch court that activists claim has major implications as trio of supermajors face emissions scrutiny

Director of Dutch environment organisation 'Milieudefensie' Donald Pols (C) celebrates outside a court in The Hague on May 26, 2021, after the district court ruled that Anglo-Dutch multi-national Shell must reduce its emissions by 45 percent by 2030.
Director of Dutch environment organisation 'Milieudefensie' Donald Pols (C) celebrates outside a court in The Hague on May 26, 2021, after the district court ruled that Anglo-Dutch multi-national Shell must reduce its emissions by 45 percent by 2030.Foto: REMKO DE WAAL/ANP/AFP via Getty Images/NTB scanpix
Published 26 May 2021, 15:54Updated 27 May 2021, 09:10