EXCLUSIVE | Enapter eyes 83% cost reduction for its unique AEM hydrogen electrolysers by 2025

Capex is due to drop to €550/kW within three years due to economies of scale and automation at new German factory, company tells Recharge

Enapter's modular microwave-oven-sized AEM electrolyser, the 2.4kW EL 4.0. A single 1MW Multicore electrolyser will contain 420 single-core EL 4.0s.
Enapter's modular microwave-oven-sized AEM electrolyser, the 2.4kW EL 4.0. A single 1MW Multicore electrolyser will contain 420 single-core EL 4.0s.Enapter
Published 13 July 2022, 08:30Updated 13 July 2022, 08:30
ItalyGermanyHydrogen electrolysersEuropeTechnology