It is not releasing the list of winners at this time. Once the eligible bidders accept the proposed final bid price offer of $0.1688 per kWh for their solar power and complete the interconnection agreement, their names will be made public, says Elizabeth Flagler, a media relations specialist at PSEG Long Island.

The company intends to sign 20-year power off-take agreements with PV facility owners.

"These auction results have yielded a price for solar energy almost 25% below the price being paid for the first feed-in-tariff on Long Island, for a savings of $8.1m per year," says Michael Voltz, director of energy efficiency and renewables for PSEG Long Island.

He attributes the price decline to several factors:

*Increased consumer awareness, understanding, availability and demand for solar energy.

*Competition among a growing solar industry on Long Island.

*Ongoing decline in costs of manufacturing and installing solar.

*Federal, state and local tax incentives.

Flagler says that PSEG Long Island will have 230MW of solar generation capacity when the new projects fully enter service.